Statistics do not lie – men have stopped to avoid plastic surgeons and aesthetic medicine doctors. This is great news: the accelerated pace of life, stress and excess of duties are reflecting in health and appearance, and taking care of the body pays off in professional and private life. A good look in some professions is an absolute necessity. We checked which treatments available for men are the most popular and give the best results.
Powerful lasers
Doctors Today have an arsenal of tools for fighting with male weak points. Times, when a middle-aged man had to put up with flabby, gray skin, are forgotten. If, after looking in the mirror, you notice changes that you would prefer not to look at for the next few years, ask an experienced aesthetic medicine doctor. The earlier you do, the better and more precise outcome you can expect. – I recommend for my patients the eCO2 and Fotona lasers. These are phenomenal tools that rejuvenate the skin, eliminate wrinkles, furrows and blemishes, and most importantly – they do not change facial features. A frequent problem in men is acne scars, with which lasers perform very well – says Dr. Maciej Józefowicz, an aesthetic medicine specialist from the Beauty Group clinic.
Lasers also have a number of other applications. They are used by otolaryngologists to effectively cure patients with annoying snoring. The problem concerns as many as 20% of men aged 30 and 60% after the age of 60! If you think that the condition only affects your closest person who cannot sleep due to the noise, you are wrong: sleeping disorders have a significant impact on the quality of your work and your body’s efficiency. The Photona NightLase laser technology deals with the problem, affecting thermally the throat structures and making them stiff. Three to four treatments are enough for the problem to disappear for good.
Good looking torso
Plastic surgeons have already got used to the men scheduling appointments in their offices: they currently constitute up to 10-15% of patients. Male problems with appearance are very different, but one of the most embarrassing is the overgrowth of the breasts. The problem is often signaled by bodybuilders, among whom the practice of using metabolic preparations is popular. In some cases, it appears in puberty due to extensive secretion of prolactin.
For men, gynecomastia is a great psychological discomfort, while the problem can be relatively straightforwardly corrected by surgical removal of the gland. Sometimes this procedure is combinesd with liposuction. Gentlemen also value the treatments that improve the appearance of the face: correction of the upper and lower eyelids, protruding ears and nose surgery. Mentioned treatments not only improve their well-being and self-esteem, but also positively affect the perception by the surroundings.