Summertime free consultations

Summertime free consultations in Artplastica. Sign in Today! Limited availability.



Summertime free consultations in Artplastica. Sign in Today! Limited availability.


Only in Artplastica, only in the summer –free appointments with plastic surgeons!

During selected days this summer our patients have the unique opportunity to take advantage of free consultations with plastic surgeons  and aesthetic medicine specialists.

Are you thinking about plastic surgery? Meet with the chosen doctor and dispel your doubts! During the consultation specialist will discuss the details of the procedure that you are interested in, and answer all your questions.

23.06 – free consultations with Dr. Krzysztof Czopkiewicz, plastic surgeon
24-06 – free consultations with Dr. Przemysław Czyżyk, aesthetic medicine specialist

10.07 – free consultations with Dr. Grażyna Nasińska – Jurek, plastic surgeon
24.07 – free consultations with Dr. Krzysztof Czopkiewicz, plastic surgeon

18.08 – free consultations with Dr. Tomasz Dydymski, plastic surgeon
28.08 – free consultations with Dr. Arkadiusz Kuna, plastic surgeon

Book your dates Today! Limited number of consultations.

+48 91 4540 442