ENT procedures

Laryngology (otorhinolaryngology, ENT) deals with the diagnosis and treatment of the ear, throat, nose, sinuses and larynx diseases. As a result of problems with the functioning of these organs, there are a number of unpleasant or life-difficult ailments, such as nasal congestion, abnormal sinus ventilation, frequent angina, sleep apnea, tonsillitis, and snoring.

If you are considering performing the procedure at the Beauty Group clinic, please contact a specialist. For this purpose, we invite you to schedule a personal consultation with an otolaryngologist.

The most common ENT procedures:

  • tonsillectomy
  • endoscopic correction of the nasal septum (for more information on septoplasty please see a separate article)
  • turbinate reduction (conchoplasty)
  • surgical treatment of snoring (uvulopalatoplasty)

Tonsillectomy is an ENT surgery involving the removal of palatine tonsils. The procedure is a routine surgical procedure that allows you to permanently solve the problem of chronic tonsillitis. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Each case eligible for palatine tonsil removal should be considered individually.

Indications for surgery:

  • overgrown tonsils that make breathing, swallowing or speaking difficult
  • sleep apnea
  • recurrent tonsillitis
  • past peritonsillar abscess
  • recurrent rhinosinusitis

Before the procedure, in addition to consulting a specialist, it is necessary to perform routine blood tests and inform the ENT doctor about recent infections.

Contraindications for the procedure:

  • coagulation disorders
  • split tongue
  • cleft palate
  • acute infections with high fever


After the procedure patients stays in the clinic for two days. It is recommended to take an antibiotic and most likely painkillers. The swelling that occurs after surgery may cause breathing difficulties. Bleeding also often occurs (up to 14 days after surgery), so a semi-liquid diet is necessary for several days. If white tinctures appear on the tonsils, it cannot be removed – this is a fibroma that scars the wound and contributes to faster regeneration.
Conchoplasty is a procedure involving the reduction of nasal turbinates. Nasal turbinates are structures located on the lateral wall of the nasal cavities, they are covered with a mucosa, thanks to which the processes of moisturizing, heating and cleaning the inhaled air take place in the nose.

Indications for surgery:

  • pathological hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates
  • nasal obstruction
  • deterioration of the sense of smell
  • chronic rhinitis
  • recurrent upper respiratory tract infections
  • snoring
  • ear plugging by blocking the mouth of the eustachian tube

Before performing conchoplasty, a detailed ENT examination should be performed, with consists of rhinoscopy, otoscopy and nasal endoscopy. During the consultation, the docor will assess the size of the nasal turbinates, the condition of the eustachian tube, and exclude the occurrence of nasal septum curvature.


Correction of nasal turbinates is a minimally invasive procedure, lasting about 30 minutes. It can be performed under either local or general anesthesia. The procedure may be accompanied by minor bleeding, that stops on its own. After the procedure there is a feeling of nasal congestion and a runny nose, which is caused by swelling of the nasal mucosa. This ailments disappear within about one week. After surgery, it is recommended to rest, avoid blowing your nose, and rinse it with sea water (saline).

Uvulopalatoplasty (plastic surgery of the uvula, palate and throat) – UPP for short, it is an operation consisting in widening the airways at the throat level by cutting out excess mucous membrane of the palate with a part of the uvula. As a result of the procedure, the airflow in the throat becomes stronger, the palate rises and stiffens, making breathing easier. This procedure can be performed using the classical method or with the help of an innovative method called coblation. All people who do not have contraindications to general anesthesia may undergo this treatment.
At the Beauty Group clinic we also offer an innovative and less invasive, non-surgical laser treatment of snoring – NIGHTLASE. This procedure performed with the FOTONA Er: YAG laser is completely safe, helping to get rid of the problem without surgical intervention and anesthesia.