The most popular ingredient of fillers used in aesthetic medicine was the main subject of Allergan professional training which took place in Artplastica clinic.
Speaking of course about hyaluronic acid, which is administered in the form of a gel that fills wrinkles, revitalizes and tones the skin and supports regeneration processes. Our models have been subjected to treatments with Juvéderm products: Volbella, Volift and Voluma. The outcomes are noticeable yet still natural.
The advantages of preparations used during the training are presented on a photo session, to which we invited our patients. This year’s training was attended by five charming ladies that represent different types of beauty and struggle with different skin problems. Specialists helped them deal with wrinkles and skin imperfections using new methods of administering preparations based on hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin.
Gentle make-up and a bright smile was all we needed to fully enhance excellent treatment outcomes during a photo shoot.
- filling the tear trough
- eliminating the nasolabial folds and wrinkles around the mouth
- forehead smoothing
- facial contouring
- Lip enhancement and improvement their symmetry
- filling the tear trough
- filling the nasolabial folds
- face volumetry
- face volumetry
- eliminating the nasolabial folds and wrinkles around the mouth
- forehead and glabella lines smoothing
- filling the tear trough
- facial contouring