An interview with dr. Fabian Urban

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular treatments in the field of plastic surgery. In 2016, according to the data from twenty-four countries collected by ISAPS (Internetional Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery), breast augmentation has overtaken rhinoplasty as the most popular operation and from then on it is on the first place. No wonder that on the web pages, forums and blogs patients ask more and more questions about this procedure.
M.D.- Ph.D. Fabian Urban- plastic surgeon from the Beauty Group Plastic Surgery and Aesthetic Medicine Clinic is answering to the most frequently appearing questions . You can read more about doctor under this link:

Małgorzata Maksjan:
Are breast implants lifelong?

Dr. Fabian Urban: It depends on the implant used and also on patient herself: her lifestyle, physical activity, etc. One of the leading implant manufacturers determines their usage time in the following way: implants rupture at a frequency of less than 1.0% (lowest frequency reported) after 6 years and up to 8.0% after 11 years. But that does not mean that breast augmentation is risky. I have not heard recently of any case of unsealed silicone implants. For almost a quarter of a century, implant companies have improved their production technology so that their products are completely safe. I know patients who have breast implants over 15 years and there is no need to exchange them.

When should implants be replaced then?

Dr. Fabian Urban: When there is an indication. When during the medical examination or self-examination patient notices that something is wrong with the breasts. Any changes in the appearance of the breast, in its cohesiveness, any secretion from the breast should be consulted with a physician. It may also be necessary to replace the implants after pregnancy or after significant change in body weight, but this is not a matter of safety, only appearance. Following this lead, I will anticipate the question: Of course, there are cases of replacing implants for aesthetic reasons, without any indications resulting from safety.

Is round or anatomical implant better? Placed under the muscle, or under the gland?

Dr. Fabian Urban: We go a little bit to the choice of the doctor, not patient (laughs). Although, of course, patients have a choice, at least in the first question asked. Almost all specialists are currently using the cut in the breast fold as the least scarring and safest for the patient. Similarly standardized worldwide is placing the implant under the muscle. And this answers the first question, because the type of implant was of great importance when placed under the gland – then anatomical implants were chosen more often. Round implants have a slight advantage when implanting under the muscle-because if implant turns around, the patient will not even notice it. In addition, round implants are cheaper.

What tests should ladies with silicone breast implants perform?

Dr. Fabian Urban: They definitely should regularly perform breast self-examination, like any woman. After forty years of age all women ( those who have and do not have implants) should have ultrasound of the breast at least once a year, and if there is an indication for this – magnetic resonance.

Is summer a good season for breast enlargement surgery?

Dr. Fabian Urban: As good as spring or winter. It all depends on patient’s preferences. One thing that patient should think about when choosing the best time for surgery is whether she have enough time for recovery after surgery.

That means how much?

Dr. Fabian Urban: Basically, a week is enough. After this time the pain after surgery should end. But, of course, swelling in some patients may take longer: up to two months – but this does not interfere with daily activities.

Will there be scars after surgery?

Dr. Fabian Urban: Each surgical intervention leaves marks on the body. The surgeon’s task is to plan the cuts so the scares left are as small as possible and in not visible places. One of the techniques for breast implantation is to make an incision in the breast fold, which gives excellent results when it comes to concealing traces of surgery.

Two weeks after the surgery and we return to everyday activities … can we also go back to sports and gym?

Dr. Fabian Urban: Immediately after surgery, I recommend avoiding intense exercise for two months. After a period of convalescence, breast implants are not contraindication to sports.

Can breast augmentation be combined with other operations?

Dr. Fabian Urban: Yes and no. You should not perform two procedures that are burdening your body at the same time. According to this principle, breast augmentation surgery may be combined with a small liposuction of another area, but an invasive procedure such as abdominoplasty should be done separately. It happens that patients want to do two treatments at once, but in addition to the safety of surgery, patient should take into consideration how it will feel to get out of bed next day after two invasive operations…